Why Book A Tailgate Spread When You Gravel Your Driveway?

If you're creating a new gravel driveway or replacing an old one, then you need to find the best way to spread the stones in the space. While some residential gravel delivery companies drop your load in one place, others offer a tailgate drop service.

How does this service work, and what are the benefits of using it?

What Is a Tailgate Gravel Drop?

If you use a tailgate drop, then your gravel delivery service spreads your order across your driveway. They don't just drop the stones in one place outside your home. The company will bring your delivery in a truck with an opening tailgate. They then drive up or across your driveway with the tailgate open, dropping the gravel as they go.

Once they are done, your order is spread across your driveway instead of sitting in one place. This gives you some advantages.

Why Book a Tailgate Gravel Drop?

If you take your gravel load in one drop, then you have to find the time and equipment to spread the gravel over your driveway. For example, if the stones sit at the bottom of your driveway, you have to move small loads around the space to cover it all.

This can be a time-consuming process. You'll also need equipment and tools to move the stones around. At the very least, you'll need a shovel and a wheelbarrow. Plus, you might not be able to use your driveway during this time. You might not want to drive on it while it is under construction, and parked cars will just get in the way of your work.

If you use a tailgate gravel spread, then a lot of this work is done for you when the delivery arrives. The gravel company spreads the gravel all over the area you want to cover.

While this spread won't give you finished results, it does take most of the hard work out of the process. You won't need to fill a wheelbarrow with heavy loads of stones and then push them into the right places. You won't have to tip them out and spread them until your driveway is fully covered.

If you have a tailgate drop, then all you have to do is to rake the gravel into place. You even out the stones and make sure that they cover all your driveway. You'll have less work to do, and your driveway will be good to go a lot more quickly.

To find out more, contact residential gravel delivery professionals.
