How Residential Water Filtration Systems Improve Water Taste And Smell

If you're like many people, your sense of taste and smell greatly influence your overall perception of drinking water — and this may cause you to drink less water than you should. The taste and smell of water have a considerable impact on daily life, affecting not only the enjoyment of your drinking water but also the flavor of your cooked meals and beverages prepared at home. Additionally, not drinking enough water may cause you to lose out on the health benefits of staying properly hydrated.

Here's what you need to know about how a residential water filtration system can significantly enhance your water's taste and smell, ensuring a better drinking experience:

Understanding the Source of Unpleasant Tastes and Smells

Typically, an off-putting taste or smell in your tap water can be traced back to the contaminants present in the water. Substances like chlorine, used in water treatment plants to kill bacteria and other microorganisms, often leave a strong taste and smell in the water. Similarly, high mineral content (especially calcium and magnesium), can make water taste metallic. Organic matter, sulfates, and certain types of bacteria can also contribute to unpleasant odors in water.

The Role of a Water Filtration System

This is where a water filtration system comes into play. Such systems use different methods to remove these contaminants, effectively improving the taste and smell of the water. Carbon filters, for example, are effective at removing chlorine and its byproducts, while reverse osmosis systems can eliminate a wide array of contaminants, including certain bacteria and most minerals.

Carbon Filters and the Removal of Chlorine

Carbon filters are a common type of water filter found in many homes. They use activated carbon to attract and absorb a range of chemicals, including chlorine. As your tap water passes through the carbon filter, chlorine and its byproducts adhere to the carbon particles, effectively being removed from the water you drink. This significantly improves both the taste and smell of your water, as chlorine is often a key offender in affecting water's sensory qualities.

Reverse Osmosis: A Broader Spectrum of Filtration

Reverse osmosis systems take water purification a step further. They work by forcing water under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane, which filters out a wide range of contaminants. This includes minerals that contribute to a metallic taste, certain bacteria that may cause a foul smell, and various other substances. The result is highly purified water with a considerably improved taste and smell.

Contact a local company to learn more about residential water filtration.
